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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Condors and Colca Valley 2/6

The Condor in his kingdom, the Colca Valley


In the first article (part 1 of 6) characteristics of the Andean condor were presented; this time we show a natural habitat so impressive and memorable as the species itself. The first photograph shows the panoramic observed from the viewpoint Achachiua canyon near Cabanaconde.

The Caylloma province or "Colca" is part of the Arequipa region, and is located in the northeast corner of this region. In this province stands out as natural landscape Colca Canyon, around which have settled populations that identify it.

Colca is one of the major tourist destinations of Peru; the name comes from the words Collaguas and Cabanas, two ethnic groups who lived along the Colca River.

The headwaters of the Colca Valley are above 4000 meters, are suitable for livestock, sloping gently down while become agricultural areas. At an altitude of 3000 meters, the valley is narrower and begins the Colca Canyon with 100km in length.

In the caves of the Colca Valley there are paintings and engravings with more than 7,000 years old depicting hunting scenes, camelids (guanacos, llamas, etc.), foxes, human figures, astral representations like the Sun, the Southern Cross, birds and many other figures, proving the passing of several human settlements.

The Colca Valley has numerous churches scattered throughout the valley, containing the best of European architectural and artistic trends with decorative ingenious contributions of the native population. The result was a rich baroque style, with influences from Arequipa and Cusco.

Each church stands for some peculiar character; some are completely built of volcanic stone ashlar; other only in their magnificent facades or unique paintings and sculptures in its interior; others are as old as the early years of the conquest.

In addition to churches, are interesting customs and traditions that are shown in the craftsmanship of each village in the valley.

In the handicrafts include embroidery with which women embellish their suits, “polleras”  or skirts and typical hats, which are used in daily activities. The fiber based fabrics baby alpaca and llama are locally produced by the skillful weavers in the upper valley.

The main Colca folkloric expressions are portrayed in the days of traditional celebrations including the most popular Wititi the Qamili, the Tincachi, Carnival, the Turcu Tusuy and Bullfights, showing its great peculiarity in the development of its crafts.
Wititi festival in Chivay is an attractive considered "cultural heritage" of Peru. The women's clothing bearing the male in dance is because according to legend, men to kidnap brides undetected had to dress like them.

The Colca, Colca impressive habitat

Erosion over thousands of years and the participation of various geological agents set up a unique landscape: mountainous landscapes between 3,000 m and 5,000 m with steep slopes; where soils here are suitable for grazing taking advantage of temporary, permanent and semi-natural pastures. Farmers and herders clearly are  districts like Tisco, Callalli and Sibayo.

From Madrigal to  Tuti to the valley is broad, the slopes are gentle and land is suitable for agriculture. From Pinchollo to Cabanaconde in the valley is formed a terrace ending in boxing Colca River.

Below this level begin the slopes bordering the 60 ° tilt, landscapes with vertical cliffs hundreds of meters of altitude as are observed while  walking  to Oasis, Tapay, Cosñirgua, San Juan de Chuccho or Malata. The right side has a steep and continuous slope from the top of Mount Bomboya up the canyon.

There are also hot springs, from Caylloma to Canco, with a progressive decrease in water temperature and a change in chemical composition from sulfur to carbonated. The water temperature can reach 85 ° C. The volcanic foci nearby presence is revealed by the presence of geysers in Pinchollo, Cabanaconde and Tapay.

The Colca River begins in the Andes, at the top of Condorama Cruise. The Valley itself begins where arable margins space becomes wider. The traditional tours start near Chivay, at the foot of Nevado Mismi, the farthest source of the Amazon River

After passing through the town of Maca, the slope of the river is markedly increased and away from level deep valley where populations are found. Here begins the Colca Canyon itself. It reaches its greatest depth near the famous Cruz del Condor viewpoint.

Wildlife Caylloma province, despite being in a habitat with desert conditions and high mountain has a high biodiversity. Currently there have been 231 specially adapted vertebrate species. The habitat of these species are specific wetland ecosystems such as the “bofedal”, “queñual” or lagoon.

The canyon is home to the Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus), a species that has been the subject of conservation in various parts of the world. These birds can be observed from close proximity flying along the canyon walls. The place called "Cruz del Condor" is a popular and favorite tourist whereabouts to observe the condors. Here the height of the canyon is 1200 m (2960 ft.).

Other notable species include the largest giant hummingbird from hummingbirds Family,; also the Andean goose, Chilean Flamingo. Other species are the vizcacha, chinchilla, skunk, deer, fox and the vicuna, llama, guanaco.

Unfortunately many species are endangered; while the Condor is vulnerable. The causes of population decline are unknown, although it has been suggested anthropic pressure (the invasion of their habitat by human activity) and fragmentation of their habitats, also may be added direct aggression by people who consider them harmful or dangerous .

Colca is one of the deepest canyons in the world, with 3250 m initially estimated in 1981 by a Polish expedition, who passed  33 days in the canyon, although with little precision apparatus depth. In the last expedition in 2005, led by the mathematician and Polish expeditionary Andrew Potowski was found that in the adjacent town of Quillo Orco, in the district of Huambo area, Colca Canyon depth reaching 4,160 m on the north side and 3600 meters on the south side. With these measures, Colca  is the second deepest canyon in the world after Yarlung Tsangpo Canyon , China, which measures 5,590 m.

After a marked decline, described by canoeists as one of the best rapids in the Western Hemisphere, the river takes the name of Majes when entering the valley of the same name. Finally, after more coast downhill towards the Pacific, the river takes its name from Camana and empties into the sea near the town of the same name.

The condor is a living glider that takes advantage of updrafts, I presume paragliders not resist the temptation to jump in imitating flight to observe the valley along the stunning scenery shown in some previous images. For now just to dream because the sudden temperature change and address or force winds can generate difficult to overcome setbacks. Although it would be the best thing ever someone tries; let condors fly alone in their domains.

Deployment of kites in the sky is exciting for all involved, children or adults; the perceived effect is similar when the flight of a lone condor or a group of them along the unforgettable Colca Canyon is observed.

Colca Canyon Taken 09/21/2014 of


Taken on 20/09/2014 in