Los verdaderos constructores de Machu Picchu
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Los verdaderos constructores de Machu Picchu
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Mysterious and Incredible -The true builders of Machu Picchu
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Machu Picchu, a mysterious and charming place
located in Peru. The greatest mystery is the origin erroneously attributed to
the Incas, perhaps because it was the people that inhabited it when the Spanish
conquerors arrived. According to official history, the Incas were between 1200
and 1500, but Machu Picchu is actually thousands of years old.
So who were the builders? It
is not known, therefore, using the creative license that is also used by
official and orthodox historians and archaeologists, I dare to give it a name,
Pueblo X25000.
I must clarify that there is no derogatory intention regarding the Incas and their own achievements according to their technology; I just want to contribute something to reveal the mystery that lies behind this work (as old and mysterious as Tiahuanaco).
Mystérieux et incroyable - Les vrais bâtisseurs du Machu Picchu
Alors, qui étaient les
constructeurs? On ne sait donc pas, en utilisant la licence créative qui est
également utilisée par les historiens et archéologues officiels et orthodoxes,
j'ose lui donner un nom, Pueblo X25000.
Je dois préciser qu'il n'y a
pas d'intention dérogatoire concernant les Incas et leurs propres réalisations
en fonction de leur technologie; Je veux juste apporter quelque chose pour
révéler le mystère qui se cache derrière ce travail (aussi vieux et mystérieux
que Tiahuanaco).
Misterioso e Increíble -Los verdaderos constructores de Machu Picchu