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Showing posts with label oil. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Peru, gastronomic paradise: Sweaty fish

Peru, gastronomic paradise: Sweaty fish

Health is the most important treasure and the state depends on daily food. The famous phrase "we are what we eat" is by Ludwig Feuerbach, German philosopher and anthropologist, who in his work "Teaching Food" (Lehre der Nahrungsmittel: Für das Volk, 1850) wrote: "Wollt ihr das Volk bessern, so gebt ihm statt Deklamationen gegen die Sünde bessere Speisen. Der Mensch ist, was er isst ".

That is to say; "If you want to improve the people, instead of speeches against sins give them better food. Man is what he eats."
The sweat of fish is a typical recipe from Peru, where fish is a very important ingredient of its cuisine, thanks to the abundant fishing wealth of its extensive sea.

The recipe we present is not the only one, with some variations you can create your own recipe; using as inputs those in their own country or locality.

The sweaty fish is made from a vegetable stir-fry and the fish is boiled and "sweated" with broth and coconut milk, which gives it an exquisite taste.
The ingredients are universal: Onion, tomato, garlic, ginger; Others can adapt. For example, Peruvian yellow pepper is searched abroad as "Peruvian Yellow Chile Pepper", yellow spicy ".

To accompany the fish, I could use your favorite drink. In Peru we are lucky to drink the "chicha" (fermented corn) or the purple girl (soda with purple corn, native of Peru), lemonade or beer. Whatever you want.

 Ingredients (For 4-5 people):

500 to 1000 grams of fillet (bonito, mackerel, or the fish you prefer, the one you like or is available in the market). Remember that every marine product is a delight and a blessing.

4 diced tomatoes
2 onions in biased cut (julienne cut)
½ cup of oil (2 tablespoons for soup)
2 cups of water (if you have fish stock, poultry, vegetables or coconut milk, you can replace the water)
2 strips of yellow pepper, two strips of pepper
4 cloves of garlic
5 teaspoons vinegar
4 tablespoons coriander or fresh cilantro, a pinch of fresh oregano
2 to 3 lemons
60 grams of yuyo (seaweed; if you have them excellent, it is not strictly necessary)
Kion (or ginger) to taste, pepper, cumin and salt to taste

To accompany:

1 kg of cassava, 4 boiled potatoes, ¼ kg of rice, ¼ kg of field (roasted corn). It is not necessary to prepare everything, unless you offer a banquet


1) Wash the fish well, cut into fillets. For whole fish, make diagonal cuts to facilitate the effect of salt and lemon in the marinade. Spread well and let stand for 20 to 30 minutes. Do not overdo salt

2) Finely chop the inputs: Tomato, onion, paprika, yellow pepper, kion or ginger, crush the garlic cloves with mortar.

3) In a large skillet or pot, heat the oil, brown the garlic for a minute; Brown the tomato, onion, add pepper and cumin.

4) Add the other cut ingredients to the sauce. Add the vinegar, ginger, a little more garlic. Add water if liquid is observed to be missing. Cover the pot or pan. and continue cooking until it boils, and everything is soft and cooked.

5) Finally, rinse the fish to remove excess salt and place it inside the pot or pan. Cover and continue cooking for 10 to 15 minutes (try to see the ideal cooking point)

6) Turn off the heat, add the finely chopped herbs (coriander, oregano, parsley, seaweed). Let stand a few minutes and go.

7) To accompany the prepared fish; place some rice, potatoes, yucas or fried plantain on the plate. Garnish with lemon, coriander, seaweed. Bon Appetite!

Good appetite and Greetings from Peru.


Receta de Pescado sudado

Sudado de bonito