Showing posts with label buzzard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label buzzard. Show all posts

Monday, April 22, 2019

Lima, the Fog and Herman Melville (Moby Dick)

Lima, the Fog and Herman Melville (Moby Dick)

The residents of Lima know that when the winter comes, the cold and the occasional drizzle, the fog is added, which in addition to reducing daylight, creates an atmosphere of sadness and mystery.

Alexander Von Humboldt in his diary of 1803 recounts his experiences in the capital of Peru. The details shown are not different from the current ones. Von Humboldt writes:

"In Europe we had been painted Lima as the city of luxury, elegance and beauty of the beautiful sex ... I saw nothing of all that [...] At night, dirt from the streets, adorned with dogs and donkeys burst, added to the irregularities of the road, hinders the transit of cars [...] Lima is as far from Peru as it is from London and while in other parts of America no one sins of excess of patriotism, I do not know any other region that has so weak this feeling. "

Herman Melville, author of Moby Dick, who was between December and January 1844, traveling as a sailor, could meet Lima and found the stage for some stories and shows it as a strange and sad city.

- "What makes Lima, the one without tears, the strangest and saddest city you can see? This is because Lima has taken the white veil and there is the highest horror in this whiteness, which defines her tribulation. " "It is not only these things that make Lima, the one without tears, the strangest and saddest city that can be seen."

Was Lima really depressing and dirty? Humboldt did not invent facts, but did not take into account that cities like London or New York, also suffered from the same problems.

In 1800, New York was a small city with 30,000 inhabitants, which doubled every 10 years. The large population with primitive infrastructure created ideal conditions for the increase of epidemics of infectious diseases (cholera, typhoid fever, typhus, yellow fever, malaria and other diseases transmitted by mosquitoes and ticks). Horses were the creators of diseases; there were between 100,000 and 200,000; each horse left 24 pounds of manure and several liters of urine per day. The working horses were poorly cared for, they lived in large "horse garages"; The large barns existed next to these horse garages, attracting rats and other rodents. The city of New York in the 19th century was built for humans and their animals. Horses, pigs, sheep and cattle were part of the daily life of the city.

Despite the presence of animals, there were no systematic efforts to clean streets. The manure accumulated in winter was filtered to the ground floor during storms or melting snow. When the horses died, their corpse could be in the streets until they disintegrated. The children played with dead horses thrown in the streets. If von Humboldt had been in New York during the winter, before coming to Lima, he would not have expressed himself so contemptuously.

Melville was in Lima in the summer, where it is expected that the sky is clear, there is heat and light; but occasionally atmospheric events play a dirty trick and everything turns gray, cold and dark for several days. Melville arrived in these sad days, that's why his negative impression.

For the Meteorology Service, the presence of large masses of clouds in the sky, cold air, are due to two factors: The decrease in sea temperature, especially in the central coast (Lima and Ica); the rains in the high parts of Lima that driven by the winds arrive in Lima. Rain, fog, blocking the sun's rays and a strong feeling of cold that are more intense in the morning depressed anyone. The very high percentage of humidity, 96%, also influences the time.

The Humboldt Current that comes from the south moves off the coast of Peru, influences the climate of the area; by cooling the layers of air that are in contact with it, saturates the atmosphere and creates the mists that are pushed by the winds to the coast.


Portrait of an unhealthy city: New Yyork in the 1800s, Columbia University – by David Rosner

Verano nublado en Lima: ¿Qué puede ocasionar este extraño fenómeno climático?, 23 Enero, 2014

Lima, Kabut dan Herman Melville (Moby Dick)

Lima, Kabut dan Herman Melville (Moby Dick)

Penduduk Lima tahu bahwa ketika musim dingin tiba, hawa dingin dan sesekali gerimis, kabut ditambahkan, yang selain mengurangi cahaya matahari, menciptakan suasana kesedihan dan misteri.

Alexander Von Humboldt dalam buku hariannya tahun 1803 menceritakan pengalamannya di ibukota Peru. Rincian yang ditampilkan tidak berbeda dari yang sekarang. Von Humboldt menulis:

"Di Eropa kami telah melukis Lima sebagai kota kemewahan, keanggunan dan keindahan dari seks yang indah ... Aku tidak melihat apa pun yang [...] Pada malam hari, tanah dari jalanan, dihiasi dengan anjing dan keledai. meledak, ditambahkan ke penyimpangan jalan, menghambat transit mobil [...] Lima adalah jauh dari Peru seperti dari London dan sementara di bagian lain Amerika tidak ada dosa karena patriotisme, saya tidak tahu ada daerah lain yang memiliki perasaan ini sangat lemah. "

Herman Melville, penulis Moby Dick, yang antara Desember dan Januari 1844, bepergian sebagai seorang pelaut, dapat bertemu Lima dan menemukan panggung untuk beberapa cerita dan menunjukkannya sebagai kota yang aneh dan sedih.

- "Apa yang membuat Lima, yang tanpa air mata, kota paling aneh dan paling menyedihkan yang dapat Anda lihat? Ini karena Lima telah mengambil cadar putih dan ada kengerian tertinggi dalam keputihan ini, yang mendefinisikan kesengsaraannya. " "Bukan hanya hal-hal inilah yang membuat Lima, yang tanpa air mata, kota paling aneh dan paling menyedihkan yang bisa dilihat."

Apakah Lima benar-benar menyedihkan dan kotor? Humboldt tidak menemukan fakta, tetapi tidak memperhitungkan bahwa kota-kota seperti London atau New York, juga mengalami masalah yang sama.

Pada 1800, New York adalah kota kecil dengan 30.000 penduduk, yang berlipat ganda setiap 10 tahun. Populasi besar dengan infrastruktur primitif menciptakan kondisi ideal untuk peningkatan epidemi penyakit menular (kolera, demam tifoid, tifus, demam kuning, malaria, dan penyakit lain yang ditularkan oleh nyamuk dan kutu). Kuda adalah pencipta penyakit; ada antara 100.000 dan 200.000; setiap kuda meninggalkan 24 pon pupuk kandang dan beberapa liter urin per hari. Kuda-kuda yang bekerja tidak dirawat dengan baik, mereka tinggal di "garasi kuda" yang besar; Lumbung besar ada di sebelah garasi kuda ini, menarik tikus dan hewan pengerat lainnya. Kota New York pada abad ke-19 dibangun untuk manusia dan hewan mereka. Kuda, babi, domba, dan sapi adalah bagian dari kehidupan sehari-hari kota.

Meskipun ada binatang, tidak ada upaya sistematis untuk membersihkan jalan. Kotoran yang terakumulasi di musim dingin disaring ke lantai dasar selama badai atau salju yang mencair. Ketika kuda-kuda mati, mayat mereka bisa berada di jalan sampai mereka hancur. Anak-anak bermain dengan kuda mati yang dilemparkan di jalanan. Jika von Humboldt berada di New York selama musim dingin, sebelum datang ke Lima, ia tidak akan mengekspresikan dirinya dengan menghina.

Melville berada di Lima pada musim panas, di mana diharapkan bahwa langit cerah, ada panas dan cahaya; tetapi kadang-kadang peristiwa atmosfer memainkan trik kotor dan semuanya berubah menjadi abu-abu, dingin dan gelap selama beberapa hari. Melville tiba di hari-hari yang menyedihkan ini, itu sebabnya kesan negatifnya.

Untuk Layanan Meteorologi, keberadaan massa besar awan di langit, udara dingin, disebabkan oleh dua faktor: Penurunan suhu laut, terutama di pantai tengah (Lima dan Ica); hujan di bagian tinggi Lima yang didorong oleh angin tiba di Lima. Hujan, kabut, menghalangi sinar matahari dan perasaan dingin yang kuat yang lebih intens di pagi hari membuat siapa pun tertekan. Persentase kelembaban yang sangat tinggi, 96%, juga mempengaruhi waktu.

Arus Humboldt yang berasal dari selatan bergerak dari pantai Peru, memengaruhi iklim daerah tersebut; dengan mendinginkan lapisan udara yang bersentuhan dengannya, menjenuhkan atmosfer dan menciptakan kabut yang didorong oleh angin ke pantai.


Portrait of an unhealthy city: New Yyork in the 1800s, Columbia University – by David Rosner

Verano nublado en Lima: ¿Qué puede ocasionar este extraño fenómeno climático?, 23 Enero, 2014

리마, 안개와 허먼 멜빌 (Moby Dick)

리마, 안개와 허먼 멜빌 (Moby Dick)

리마 주민들은 겨울, 추위와 가끔 drizzles 도착했을 , 안개, 일광을 줄일뿐만 아니라, 슬픔의 분위기를 만들고 신비가 추가 것을 알고있다.

알렉산더 훔볼트 (Alexander Von Humboldt) 1803 일기에 페루 수도에서의 경험에 대해 이야기합니다. 표시된 세부 정보는 현재 정보와 다르지 않습니다. 훔볼트 (Von Humboldt)

"유럽에서 우리는 고급 스러움, 우아함과 공정 섹스의 아름다움의 도시로 리마를 그린했다 ... 나는 모든 것을 아무것도 보지 않았다 [...] , 비포장 도로, , 당나귀로 장식 체포, 교통 자동차 [...] 리마 지금까지 런던으로 페루에서하고 막힘, 도로의 요철 부가 미국의 다른 부분에는 과도한 애국심의 , 나는이 다른 지역의 몰라 동안 너무 약해. "

허먼 멜빌, 12 1844 사이에 있던 선원으로 여행 모비 딕의 저자는 리마를 알고 이상하고 슬픈 도시와 같은 일부 이야기와 디스플레이를위한 무대를 있습니다.

- "눈물이없는 리마를 수있는 가장 이상하고 슬픈 도시는 무엇입니까? 이것은 리마가 하얀 베일을 가져 갔고 그녀의 환란을 정의하는이 백색에서 가장 공포가 있기 때문입니다. " "눈물이없는 리마를 수있는 것은 이상하고 가장 이상한 도시 일뿐입니다."

리마는 정말로 우울하고 더러운가? 훔볼트 (Humboldt) 사실을 고안하지 않았지만 런던이나 뉴욕 같은 도시도 같은 문제로 고통 받았다는 사실을 고려하지 않았습니다.

1800 년에 뉴욕은 30,000 명의 주민이 거주하는 작은 도시로, 10 년마다 배가되었습니다. 전염병 (콜레라, 장티푸스, 발진티푸스, 황열, 말라리아 기타 모기와 진드기 매개 질환) 전염병의 확산을위한 기본 인프라를 만들어 이상적인 조건을 가진 많은 인구. 말은 질병의 창조자였습니다. 10 만에서 20 사이였습니다. 말은 하루에 24 파운드의 분뇨와 리터의 소변을 남겼습니다. 일하는 말은 가난하게 걱정되었다, 그들은 " 차고에서 살았다; 헛간은이 차고 옆에 존재하여 쥐와 다른 설치류를 유인했습니다. 19 세기 뉴욕시는 인간과 동물을 위해 지어졌습니다. , 돼지, 소는 도시의 일상 생활의 일부였습니다.

동물이 있었음에도 불구하고 거리를 청소하기위한 체계적인 노력은 없었습니다. 겨울에 축적 분뇨는 폭풍우가 내리거나 눈이 녹을 1 층으로 걸러졌습니다. 말들이 죽을 , 시체는 붕괴 때까지 거리에있을 수있었습니다. 아이들은 거리에 던져진 죽은 말들로 놀았습니다. 훔볼트가 겨울에 뉴욕에 있었 더라면 리마에 오기 전에 너무 경멸스럽게 표현하지 않았을 것입니다.

멜빌은 여름에 리마에 있었는데, 하늘이 맑고 열과 빛이있을 것으로 예상됩니다. 그러나 때로는 대기의 이벤트가 더러운 트릭을하고 며칠 동안 모든 것이 회색으로, 차갑게 그리고 어둡게 변합니다. 멜빌은 슬픈 날에 도착했습니다. 그것이 그의 부정적 인상이었습니다.

날씨 서비스, 하늘, 차가운 공기에 구름의 질량의 존재에 대해서는 가지 요인에 기인한다 : 특히 센트럴 코스트 (리마와 이카) 바다 온도 저하; 리마의 높은 지역에있는 비가 바람에 이끌려 리마에 도착합니다. 비가 내리고, 안개가 자욱 해지고, 태양 광선을 차단하고, 아침에 강렬한 추위에 시달리는 강한 느낌은 누구에게나 우울합니다. 매우 높은 습도 비율 (96 %) 시간에 영향을줍니다.

남쪽에서 오는 훔볼트 (Humboldt) 흐름은 페루 해안에서 벗어나 지역의 기후에 영향을 미친다. 그것과 접촉하는 공기 층을 냉각시킴으로써 대기를 포화시키고 바람에 의해 해안으로 밀려 오는 안개를 만든다.

참고 문헌

Portrait of an unhealthy city: New Yyork in the 1800s, Columbia University – by David Rosner

Verano nublado en Lima: ¿Qué puede ocasionar este extraño fenómeno climático?, 23 Enero, 2014