Fiesta de la Candelaria Puno, Peru
La Fiesta de la
Candelaria in Puno
The Virgin of Candelaria or Our Lady of Candelaria is an invocation of the
Virgin Mary originally from Tenerife (Spain). His feast is celebrated according
to the liturgical calendar on 2 February to remember the presentation of Jesus
in the Temple of Jerusalem after his birth and the purification of Mary. He is
patron of several cities and countries of America and other continents; Peru is
notorious in its association with Puno.
In ref1 (s / f, para. 4) states that the party is known and celebrated as
"the Presentation of the Lord, the Purification of Mary, the Feast of
Light and the Feast of the Candles" where Christ is "Light of the
world by his mother in the temple comes to enlighten everyone as the candle or
candles, hence the title of Our Lady of Candelaria is derived” . In ref. 2 (s /
f, P 1), is claimed to be one of the most important religious feast of South
America, by the number of symbols and artistic and cultural expressions
peculiar to the Quechua, Aymara and mestizo cultures of the Andean highlands
and the number of persons involved, directly and indirectly .
In Puno, where the feast of the Virgen de la Candelaria trials lasting 18 days
from 2 months prior to the party, dancing in native costumes are presented with
more than 200 groups and more than 70,000 participants between "native
dances" coming from the Puno communities and sets of dances of the
neighborhoods in the city of Puno. They are called "dances with
costumes," participating dancers, musicians and managers indirectly,
alferados, embroiderers, craftsmen in the making of masks, boots and shoes,
bells and other items.
Men and women, old, young and children
do not stop dancing to the Virgin in gratitude for the benefits and wonders
that allow them to live. In this festival the whole city and enjoy the party in
a sea of color, cool dance, whose main witness the majestic Lake Titicaca.
In developing the feast appreciate different
times: essays, novenas, dawns holiday, candles input, input k'apos eve, Feb. 2,
eighth, veneration, cacharpari.
On 2 September 2003 the National Institute of
Culture of Peru declared the Feast of the Virgin of Candelaria as Cultural
Heritage of Peru, "because it originates in the ancient Andean invocations
to the Pachamama (Mother Earth) Uncle supay (devil ) miners and the Virgen de
la Candelaria and motivates one of the greatest events in American folk
expression "(Ref. 2 s / f, para 5.) sites.
On the Feast of Candles, the essential part of
the festival is the dance and musical expression in which the most
representative dances takes place, the number and variety has increased
In the first half of the twentieth century, the dance of the Sikumorenos
enjoyed predilection on the Feast of the Virgin of Candelaria. In the
newspapers speak of "Three games and numerous indigenous brown, have
walked the streets of the town with sad music and dancing to them" (The
Journal of Eco Puno, 5/2/19112); "the groups of sicuris and brown"
(Diario El Siglo de Puno, 03/02/1985); "walking the streets, the groups of
brown" (Diario El Eco de Puno, 14/02/1996). Other dances, such as
"Five Indian troupes dressed bullfighters, dark, angels, devils and
llameritos, preceded the procession to execute its music and dance, whimsical
and tiresome but pleasing" (Diario El Siglo de Puno, 10 also had / 2/1921).

In the spirit of competition already established, other dances to dispute the
primacy to morenada. In the fifties it was the Llamerada; for it "in 1966,
a total of 22 sets involved llameradas 9, 3 sikuris and other dances with fewer
sets (Diario Los Andes in Puno, 02/08/66). Other featured groups are
kullahuadas and diabladas.
In the late twentieth century, seeking supremacy sikuris sets (single and
multiple drums) the morenadas (and its variants), the "carnival"
(pujllay and anata), foremen and diabladas. In 1993, 26 participated sikuris
(single and multiple drums), 18 morenadas (including variants), 9 carnivals 7
caporales 7 Kajelos, 6 & 5 kullahuadas diabladas, among others. In 2004
they took part: 38 sikuris (single and multiple drums), 21 morenadas (including
variants), 19 carnivals 8 and 7 diabladas foremen, among others. When compared
with the number of sets in 1966 (22) could observe a significant increase.
There are currently 30 sicuris (including
variants), 20 morenadas 12 caporales 8 diabladas, 3 kullahuadas, 3 wacas waca
and nearly fifty indigenous carnivals, which can be added to sets that are not
natural dancers of Puno.
Personally, I enjoy the part of the musical accompaniment. A band
of musicians regularly has 15 to 20 instruments, including the bass drum. A
great band can have something over thirty and a bass drum bands; in the parades in Puno, a band could have more
than 100 musicians, with six or more bass drums; so that in itself is already a
fabulous show not only an accessory component. If you are in Puno during the
party, stand near a band and understand my point of view. Enjoy the
presentation of a band (YouTube link)
Currently, participation is not for only for puneños of origin, but also
involves visitors from other cities in Peru including foreigners, who assume
obligations and share an enthusiasm and dedication to be part of the parade. A
growing number of participants, the number of dance groups and competitive
spirit. Not only devotion, but the imagination and will to be the best is also
Now it is the devotion to the Virgen de la
Candelaria, but also of personal prestige, also reflecting a change of mind, a
sense of pride and belonging.
In Ref. 2 (s / f) states that "Before the authorities forbade the Indians
dance and play collectively in cities and only allowed them on payment of
fines" (Diario Los Andes in Puno, 03/01/1934) because "was tasteless
interpret aboriginal music" .
Today, it is an activity whose cost depends on
the dress and other obligations assumed, is stressful and exhausting, but who
participates does so with determination and enthusiasm that makes you forget
all the difficulties. I
n 2014, the contest now firmly established as a feature
of the festival, won the Grand Incomparable Diablada Friends Of Del Peru
National Police or PNP Diablada (link yotube)