Showing posts with label cultural heritage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cultural heritage. Show all posts

Monday, January 14, 2019

Colonial balconies in Lima and Spain

Colonial balconies in Lima and Spain

The historical city of Toledo (Spain) was declared a Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 1986. There are monuments and places to visit, including the cathedral, the fortress, mosques, museums and others. Lima, capital of Peru, also has its charm. The center of the city was declared a Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 1988. The places of interest are the cathedral, museums, old streets, and stand out for their unique characteristics the balconies viewpoints, called here "balcones de cajón".

Peru was a colony of Spain for several centuries and as is inevitable, cultural influences are revealed in the life, customs, works of the subject countries. In Spain the balconies "mirador" were created, here the balconies of cajón.
In Spain you can find balconies in Toledo, Santa Cruz de las Palmas, Jaén, Córdoba.

In Peru, the cities of Lima and Trujillo have beautiful balconies that maintain their colonial characteristics and give these cities an identity.

When you look at these balconies you can see that the students exceeded their teachers. The Lima balconies next to the balconies in Spain, are immense, majestic, mysterious. Is it because wealth, gold and avocado, and other resources abounded in Peru ?. It is not known, I only ask that those who walk through these cities, to be delighted observing the fine craftsmanship, the details and the mastery of the creators. Many selfies with these balconies as a background are unforgettable.

Monday, November 20, 2017

"Porcón Bajo", the dance of the chunchos and the clarion of Cajamarca

Porcon Celebration of the faith and the dance of the chunchos

The dance of the chunchos

The "danza de los chunchos" is the most representative typical dance in Cajamarca, and is associated with a religious festival. The Dance of the Chunchos has been recognized as a Cultural Heritage of the Nation. In addition, it is for Cajamarca as the marinera for Trujillo or the tondero for Piura, an element of identity and social cohesion.

A dance without music is not dance, the chunchos dance to the tune of the melodious notes of the famous box (small drum), elder flute (5,000 years old) and the sound of a bugle, although at present it is also used guitar accompanied by the quena.

The dance is performed by men, by the physical display that is performed in the artistic presentation or accompaniment of some procession in honor of a patron saint. Therefore, the "chuncho" is not anyone, is someone who is prepared in advance of a patronal party to demonstrate their skill and strength at the time of performing the different steps of the dance.

The "Chuncho" is dressed in a white suit (shirt and pants), wears the "llanques" or "ojotas", on the head wears a crown made of reed, colorful and colorful, adorned with bird feathers. The chest is crossed by a band adorned by small mirrors that reflect the soul and capture the joy of the sun; some make these bands with allegories that make them colorful. An essential part of the dress is the "maichiles" (hollow seeds) in both knees, which at the moment of walking sound like rattles.

The "black chuncho" is the person who directs the group of dancers and is the only one authorized to dress completely black, including the face; He wears a wool mask, eyes and mouth painted red. This character uses a characteristic cry to order the change of step to the dancers; As a signal of command, he carries in his hand a whip that sounds periodically. Because of the displacement and joy that it radiates, it can interact with the public.

The dance of the chunchos is danced throughout the province of Cajamarca, but where it has special importance and relevance is in the Fiesta de las Cruces de Porcón (Holy Week). It is also danced in San Juan de Llacanora (June 24), feast of San Juan in Agopampa (June 24), feast of the Virgen de la Aurora, in the hamlet of Puyllucana (August 15).

The dance of Chunchos de Cajamarca, according to testimonies collected, could last a week, without truce and barely interrupted for brief moments to take food or frugal breaks. The dance is a masculine demonstration of physical strength, courage of the warriors and roles of hierarchies that serve to adore a patron saint or patron saint of the town. At present, the dance lasts three days and the central characters are kept, always accompanied by the binomial of box and flute played by a single musician, as well as the clariners.

Chunchos Dance is also performed in other regions of the country. The Qhapaq Chuncho of Cusco; the Shapish of Chupaca, in Junín; the Shacshas of the Callejón de Huaylas; the Chunchos of the province of Llata, in Huánuco, etc. This shows the importance of the Amazonian warriors in the ancient Inca empire. Guaman Poma de Ayala (1615), in his illustrations, tells the existence of the chunchos in the social life of the Tawantinsuyu. They were Andean peasants who imitated the "chunchos" or inhabitants of the jungle, therefore, the clothing contains Amazonian elements such as feathers of birds or seeds called "shacapas" or "maichiles", which are tied to the calves of the dancers to accompany the music. It is possible that Bishop Baltazar Martínez Compañón, in his Cajamarca view, has recorded the dance in his watercolors, but unfortunately many are outside Peru.

The clarion of Cajamarca

The bugle is a musical instrument that only exists in Cajamarca, it is used by most peasant musicians in religious ceremonies such as the Fiesta de las Cruces de Porcón Bajo, in social parties and farming. The bugle is accompanied by two other musical instruments, the box and the flute. Currently it is also used at the carnival. Cajamarca clarion was declared as a Cultural Patrimony of the Nation of Peru on June 12, 2008.

The clarion of Cajamarca can measure up to four meters in length, its sound is very harmonic, very characteristic and unique in the world. That an aerophone instrument, the origin is in the epoch of the colony, from the beginnings of the XVIII century, because in 1778, the bishop of Trujillo in his visit to Cajamarca, left record of the existence of this musical instrument, in a watercolor where the act of reaping is accompanied by the bugle.

The clarion is made with common cane or reed, a herbaceous plant of Asian origin that was brought by the Spanish. The reed or sukcha, must be mature and very dry, preferably of a temperate climate, with a diameter of 3 centimeters, length of 3 meters or more from the base of the instrument. Another material is the pumpkin, a cucurbitaceous plant, the twine or cotton twisted and smeared with cerote.

Link to see Part 3: Porcón and La Fiesta de las Cruces

Link to see Part 2: Porcón and Experiential Tourism

Link to see Part 1: Granja Porcón, the paradise in Cajamarca

Links to see the dance of the chunchos

Chunchos de Porcón


Sunday, November 19, 2017

Porcón, Cajamarca, the feast of the crosses and the chunchos

Porcón: Palm Sunday and the Feast of the Crosses of Holy Week

Before developing the post, a clarification is necessary. Porcón has three related places: Bajo Porcón, Alto Porcón and Granja Porcón. Porcón Alto is known for craftsmanship, Porcon Farm for being the real demonstration that paradise exists and is in Peru, and low Porcon which is the setting for the imposing Fiesta de las Cruces in Holy Week.

The town of Porcón Bajo is 20 km from the city of Cajamarca, 3200 meters high, it is well known for the traditional Feast of the Crosses in Holy Week, Palm Sunday, which is staged the entrance of Jesus Christ to Jerusalem. The community of Porcón maintains its cultural identity through Quechua, its native language, and the festivities of the cross to express popular faith.

The Catholic liturgical calendar designates as Palm Sunday the day of the entrance of Jesus to Jerusalem, acclaimed by the people, with olive branches, mounted on a colt; and as the beginning of his passion and death on the cross.

In Low Porcon is the religious festivity of greater transcendence, the comuneros or inhabitants are prepared several months in advance. The celebration is completed with expressions of music and dance, where the bugles, wind instruments made of reeds, boxes and quenas, serve to greet and bow to Jesus.

One month before Palm Sunday, the settlers and devotees begin to make crosses of 2 to 3 meters high, with wood and reeds. In the center of the banner there is a wooden cross, decorated with flowers of bright colors, round mirrors are placed in a square, elliptical or circular shape that give a luminous background and whose reflection is the "soul", the "spirit of all" who accompany the Lord in his triumphal entry. Added pictures with images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, The Holy Family, The Virgin of Perpetual Help, the Lord of Miracles; They are adorned with palm leaves, branches of rosemary and bouquets of flowers that abound in the community. The set has a weight of 70 to 80 kilograms, is transported by a single man and fastened from the belts by devotees and butlers.

The mirrors at the crossings dazzle the companions in the processions that carry the crosses from the different homes to the house of the Mayordomo; then together, they go to the temple of the Parish "Cristo Ramos" for the celebration of Mass. On this occasion, the image of Jesus, placed on the back of a donkey, cared for and rested throughout the year, called "Señorca" ", whose only task is to lead Jesus, is transferred to the church followed by the multicolored and heavy crosses; the guides are the "Angels", children dressed in beautiful costumes, and the "Apostles" who wear crowns of olive branches and rosemary.The "señorca" or burrita is well served by the "freneros" (peasants experts in the ritual) that they bathe her and cut her hair, preparing her for the glorious Sunday driving down the road to "amito" or Señor de Ramos.

On Palm Sunday, from very early, the first crosses are concentrated in the house of the Mayordomo led by the "charger" and accompanied by the faithful who pray and sing their religious songs. Each of the crosses that arrives performs by way of greeting, three movements downwards and upwards; the act is repeated 39 more times during the whole morning. On Sunday at 6 in the morning, the "señorca" is already escorted by the angels and apostles.

The distances covered can be enormous, up to 10 km in some cases, but for a people that clings to their faith and traditions, this is irrelevant. In this authentic religious festival, to the sound of prayers and chants of peculiar intonation, it is shown in a symbiosis of Quechua and Castilian, the triumphant entrance of Jesus to Jerusalem, revered and greeted with the art of the peasants, the exquisite crosses, unique in the world. The Catholic temple is 14 km from Cajamarca. About fifty (50) crosses can be counted in the procession)

After the mass, the mayordomos offer food and drink to the participants. The presentation of songs and dances in the atrium of the temple complete the ceremony. The dance of the chunchos, with musical accompaniment of typical instruments such as the clarion, the box and the quenas is expected by the people. The dance of the chunchos is Cultural Patrimony of the Nation, it is danced in the whole province of Cajamarca, but it is special in the Fiesta de Cruces de Porcón.

Finally, they move to the butler's house where they can enjoy tasty typical food, chicha de jora, until late at night, then return to their homes to rest and continue with preparations for Holy Week. On Holy Thursday there is a Mass with Children and there is a Children's Crossing contest.

The Fiesta de las Cruces de Porcón attracts domestic and foreign tourists, who, in the context of experiential tourism, enjoy a unique religious manifestation and are enriched by the cultural contact of a special people.

Links to see processions at the Fiesta de las Cruces

Party of the crosses of Porcón Cajamarca the faith of a town


Monday, September 29, 2014

La Fiesta de la Candelaria in Puno

Fiesta de la Candelaria Puno, Peru

La Fiesta de la Candelaria in Puno

The Virgin of Candelaria or Our Lady of Candelaria is an invocation of the Virgin Mary originally from Tenerife (Spain). His feast is celebrated according to the liturgical calendar on 2 February to remember the presentation of Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem after his birth and the purification of Mary. He is patron of several cities and countries of America and other continents; Peru is notorious in its association with Puno.

In ref1 (s / f, para. 4) states that the party is known and celebrated as "the Presentation of the Lord, the Purification of Mary, the Feast of Light and the Feast of the Candles" where Christ is "Light of the world by his mother in the temple comes to enlighten everyone as the candle or candles, hence the title of Our Lady of Candelaria is derived” . In ref. 2 (s / f, P 1), is claimed to be one of the most important religious feast of South America, by the number of symbols and artistic and cultural expressions peculiar to the Quechua, Aymara and mestizo cultures of the Andean highlands and the number of persons involved, directly and indirectly .

In Puno, where the feast of the Virgen de la Candelaria trials lasting 18 days from 2 months prior to the party, dancing in native costumes are presented with more than 200 groups and more than 70,000 participants between "native dances" coming from the Puno communities and sets of dances of the neighborhoods in the city of Puno. They are called "dances with costumes," participating dancers, musicians and managers indirectly, alferados, embroiderers, craftsmen in the making of masks, boots and shoes, bells and other items.

 Men and women, old, young and children do not stop dancing to the Virgin in gratitude for the benefits and wonders that allow them to live. In this festival the whole city and enjoy the party in a sea of
​​color, cool dance, whose main witness the majestic Lake Titicaca.

In developing the feast appreciate different times: essays, novenas, dawns holiday, candles input, input k'apos eve, Feb. 2, eighth, veneration, cacharpari.

On 2 September 2003 the National Institute of Culture of Peru declared the Feast of the Virgin of Candelaria as Cultural Heritage of Peru, "because it originates in the ancient Andean invocations to the Pachamama (Mother Earth) Uncle supay (devil ) miners and the Virgen de la Candelaria and motivates one of the greatest events in American folk expression "(Ref. 2 s / f, para 5.) sites.

On the Feast of Candles, the essential part of the festival is the dance and musical expression in which the most representative dances takes place, the number and variety has increased gradually.

In the first half of the twentieth century, the dance of the Sikumorenos enjoyed predilection on the Feast of the Virgin of Candelaria. In the newspapers speak of "Three games and numerous indigenous brown, have walked the streets of the town with sad music and dancing to them" (The Journal of Eco Puno, 5/2/19112); "the groups of sicuris and brown" (Diario El Siglo de Puno, 03/02/1985); "walking the streets, the groups of brown" (Diario El Eco de Puno, 14/02/1996). Other dances, such as "Five Indian troupes dressed bullfighters, dark, angels, devils and llameritos, preceded the procession to execute its music and dance, whimsical and tiresome but pleasing" (Diario El Siglo de Puno, 10 also had / 2/1921).

In the spirit of competition already established, other dances to dispute the primacy to morenada. In the fifties it was the Llamerada; for it "in 1966, a total of 22 sets involved llameradas 9, 3 sikuris and other dances with fewer sets (Diario Los Andes in Puno, 02/08/66). Other featured groups are kullahuadas and diabladas.

In the late twentieth century, seeking supremacy sikuris sets (single and multiple drums) the morenadas (and its variants), the "carnival" (pujllay and anata), foremen and diabladas. In 1993, 26 participated sikuris (single and multiple drums), 18 morenadas (including variants), 9 carnivals 7 caporales 7 Kajelos, 6 & 5 kullahuadas diabladas, among others. In 2004 they took part: 38 sikuris (single and multiple drums), 21 morenadas (including variants), 19 carnivals 8 and 7 diabladas foremen, among others. When compared with the number of sets in 1966 (22) could observe a significant increase.

There are currently 30 sicuris (including variants), 20 morenadas 12 caporales 8 diabladas, 3 kullahuadas, 3 wacas waca and nearly fifty indigenous carnivals, which can be added to sets that are not natural dancers of Puno.

Personally, I enjoy  the part of the musical accompaniment. A band of musicians regularly has 15 to 20 instruments, including the bass drum. A great band can have something over thirty and a bass drum bands;  in the parades in Puno, a band could have more than 100 musicians, with six or more bass drums; so that in itself is already a fabulous show not only an accessory component. If you are in Puno during the party, stand near a band and understand my point of view. Enjoy the presentation of a band (YouTube link)
Currently, participation is not for only for puneños of origin, but also involves visitors from other cities in Peru including foreigners, who assume obligations and share an enthusiasm and dedication to be part of the parade. A growing number of participants, the number of dance groups and competitive spirit. Not only devotion, but the imagination and will to be the best is also demonstrated.


Now it is the devotion to the Virgen de la Candelaria, but also of personal prestige, also reflecting a change of mind, a sense of pride and belonging.
In Ref. 2 (s / f) states that "Before the authorities forbade the Indians dance and play collectively in cities and only allowed them on payment of fines" (Diario Los Andes in Puno, 03/01/1934) because "was tasteless interpret aboriginal music" .

Today, it is an activity whose cost depends on the dress and other obligations assumed, is stressful and exhausting, but who participates does so with determination and enthusiasm that makes you forget all the difficulties. I

n 2014, the contest now firmly established as a feature of the festival, won the Grand Incomparable Diablada Friends Of Del Peru National Police or PNP Diablada (link yotube)